About Myself
A Conscious Creatress
Conscious: 1600, "knowing, privy to" (poetic), from Latin conscius "knowing, aware," from conscire "be (mutually) aware," from assimilated form of com "with," or "thoroughly" (see con-) + scire "to know"
Creatress: one who creates" in any sense is from 1570s. feminine. form of creator creatrix from 1590s.
Greetings, my name is Sunmisola (Sunmi for short).
I am an artist, diviner, philosopher, and a lifelong student of the esoteric arts & sciences. I recognize that by studying and understanding the teachings and principles behind topics such as astrology, tarot, magick, and other similar disciplines, everyone can self-actualize and apply such knowledge to fulfill their soul’s purpose and live out the highest potential of their natal destiny. That concept drives me to use my understanding and technical skills in these fields to assist souls like yours in illuminating what is hidden, obscured, or indiscernible in your life. Ultimately, you can fulfill the natal promise made with the Divine Source of All and consciously create your own reality.
I currently help souls like yours as a professional astrologer and incorporate other divinatory knowledge in my consultations. I also serve as President of the local Minnesota Chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), a non-profit organization dedicated to studying astrology and related activities. Learn more about what we do here.
When I am not chasing the secrets of the Universe, I can be found painting in my art studio or out in plein air. You may also find me outdoors hiking, lounging in a hammock with a good book, or spending time with my family and friends.